Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am sure everyone who grew up where I did remembers this viaduct. How many bodies were found washed up stream, drowned by attempting to swim in this section of the fast moving Tinkers Creek? I remember a few.

Which is what made this tunnel so fascinating.

You see, not because it was an old tunnel, but the thrill at trying to walk through it without dying!

Which Stuart and I managed to do, at least part of the way until the water was too high on the other end. Plus it smelled a bit like feces in there.

As I stood and looked out onto the creek and the changing autumnal leaves, for that moment in time I was proud of where I was from and grateful to share its beauty.

So many memories came rushing back, like when my brother and I tried to white water raft down this creek in a half deflated raft. Do you remember that bro?

Riding my bike to the candy store downtown, getting a nickel grab bag and then coming down here to eat it.

The toilet block up top that was nothing but a group toilet over a big hole in the ground. The trick was to not look down or breath.

My grandpa used to bring us here a lot as well. I believe he is the one who first took me into the tunnel.

For me, this is a serenity spot.... SERENITY NOW!!

I dare you to look at these next photos and not feel some sense of calm:

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