Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, today it hit me that there is only 2 and half days left before we are off to the U.S.!!!
Why this is so amazing to me is because I started to plan this trip 6 or 7 months ago. In addition to the thought that in 48 and bit hours I will be on a plane heading to the other side of the world for 4 weeks, I am also flabbergasted that 7 months have gone by so fast.
As I write to you, I am also reminded that in 48 and a bit hours (plus a 26 hour flight) I will start to see friends and family that I have not seen in at least 6 years.
I would also like to meet new friends in person, so 1.) if you live in or 2.) will be in one of the places we will be and 3.) would like to gather together over food and wine then 4.)then drop me a line and we can try to get something arranged.
Take a look in the sidebar for the dates and locations.
PS - SarahB, I am still working on getting the man to agree to head to NYC he wants to play it by ear!

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